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Erster Nachweis eines Desmans, Desmana moschata (LINNAEUS, 1758) (Mammalia: Insectivora), im Pleistozän von Brandenburg (First evidence of a desman, Desmana moschata (LINNAEUS, 1758) (Mammalia: Insectivora), in the Pleistocene of Brandenburg)

Год: 2005

Авторы: Heinrich W.-D., Hermsdorf N.

Издание: Brandenburg. geowiss. Beitr. V. 12. No ½. S. 55-60.

Skeletal remains of a desman which were recovered from Late Pleistocene limnic-fluviatil deposits exposed in the sand pit at Zachow near Ketzin (Brandenburg) are briefly described and assigned to Desmana moschata. The finds provide the first evidence for the presence of Desmana moschata in the Late Pleistocene of Brandenburg. In the associated mammalian fauna the following species are represented: Sorex sp., Ochotona pusilla, Arvicola terrestris, Microtus oeconomus, Microtus ex gr. arvalis-agrestis, Lemmus lemmus und Lagurus lagurus, Mammuthus primigenius and Bison/Bos sp. The associated mollusc fauna allows the Desmana-bearing deposit designated as Zachow 1 to be referred to the Brörup- or Odderade-Interstadial of the Early Weichselian