
Russian desman at the edge of disappearance
Год: 2017
Авторы: Rutovskaya M.V., Onufrenya M.V., Onufrenya A.S.
Издание: "Nature Conservation Research. Заповедная Наука" V. 2 (Suppl.1) P. 100–112. DOI: 10.24189/ncr.2017.020
The population of the Russian desman in all historical areas is currently no more than 8000–10,000 individuals. The estimated population size of the Russian desman is based on direct surveys during 2010–2016. We observed over 266 km of the coastline in eight regions where the desman lives. Since the early 20th century the number of specimens has been steadily declining. In addition to the previously described factors that determine the reduction of the population size, such as land reclamation, the construction of hydroelectric stations and the flourishing of poaching at the end of the last century, the status of the Russian desman population is adversely affected by periodic droughts and the absence of floods. Currently Protected Areas remain as the only passive measure to protect the Russian desman in the absence of a programme to species protection nor state support
DOI: 10.24189/ncr.2017.020
Тэги: animals from the Red Data Book, conservation management, Russian desman
