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Изменения численности европейской норки, выдры и выхухоли в некоторых центральных областях европейской части СССР за 25 лет

Год: 1977

Авторы: Шашков Э.В.

Издание: Бюл. МОИП. Отд. биол. Т. 82. № 1. М. С. 23‒28.

Changes in the life conditions of amphibious mammals in the small rivers and flood lakes of Vladimirskaya, Ivanovskaya, Kostromskaya and Yaroslavskaya oblasts, which took place during the period 1946—1970, caused a decrease of the stock of Mustela lutreola L., and Desmana mo-schata L. Zhe stock of Lutra lutra L. has been slightly affected. Measures should be taken to restrict the explotation of the stock of European mink and to improve the habitats of the desman. The Klyasma desman reserve ought to be restored