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Некоторые адаптивные особенности сердца и легочно-сосудистой системы русской выхухоли

Год: 1963

Авторы: Иванова Е.И.

Издание: Зоол. ж. Т. 42. Вып. 11. С. 1714‒1721.

Cardio-vascular system of Desmana moschata is typical of the Insectivora but possesses adaptive peculiarities. The cor is situated asymmetrically, almost across the chest. Arcus aortae broadened. Ventriculus dexter cordi thin-walled and voluminous. Trabeculae in ventriculus dexter et sinister strongly expressed. Vena cava caudalis has ring musculature in the diaphragmal region. Arteria pulmonalis relatively broad. Arteria pulmonalis and .vena pulmonalis of a muscular-elastic type. The branching of the bronchs mixed. Ductus alveolares narrow tubed. Sphincter alveoli in the estuaries of alveolus..